Pure Energy Tablets
Our mission is to make optimal health as easy and as cost effective as possible. We are constantly researching to find the most effective and natural ways to achieve and maintain optimal health, fitness and vitality for our-self, our families, our friends and our clients. So we am extremely excited to share with you our latest and greatest breakthrough research in nutritional science!
Nearly every health condition and chronic dis-ease have three factors often associated with them:
- Excess metabolic and dietary acidity in the interstitial body fluids
- That excess interstitial acidity triggers tissue inflammation
- This tissue inflammation activates cell signaling to release anti-oxidants or acid buffers to protect the tissues, glands and organs.
Medical Science has been looking at a way of tackling these three issues for quite some time now.
We have recently discovered that molecular activated and reduced magnesium (MgOH-) that is potentiated with lithium ions tackles all of these problems! It acts as a super anti-oxidant or a super anti-acid, a super anti-inflammatory, a super neutralizer of excess metabolic, dietary, respiratory and environmental acids, acting alone as its own cell signaling molecule!
In our body’s, activated and reduced magnesium that carries an extra electron (MgOH-) acts as a very powerful and selective anti-oxidant helping to prevent cellular damage from acid caused inflammation, protecting DNA and combating out of control metabolic and dietary acids that are the primary cause of cellular degeneration.
According to my recent research published in the medical journal, “The International Journal of Complimentary and Alternation Medicine”, entitled, “Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Reversal of Any Cancerous Condition!”, I suggest:
“As deficiencies are corrected in the intracellular and interstitial fluids with key alkalizing nutritional treatments, patients see the difference in the improved interstitial pH and chemistry counts through follow-up tests using quantitative non-invasive 3-D FBBES. They also feel the difference physiologically and functionally with increased energy and vitality.
This is how I know proper alkalizing nutritional support in any cancerous condition is important in the prevention and treatment of cancer, the metastasis of cancer, and the shrinking of a cancerous cyst or mass without chemotherapy and-or radiation. The best part about these alkalizing nutritional treatments is they are helpful in most, if not in all cancerous conditions.”
There are now well over 1000 studies from peer reviewed medical journals discussing the countless health benefits from elemental magnesium.
Activated and reduced magnesium (MgOH-) has been shown to reduce inflammation and joint discomfort, increase stamina and energy.
Activated and reduced magnesium (MgOH-) has shown promise to be cardio protective, neuro protective, offer intestinal protection, skin rejuvenation and many more conditions caused by metabolic and dietary acids that are not properly eliminated via the four channels of elimination – skin, lungs, bowels and kidneys.
Activated and reduced magnesium (MgOH-) also acts as a powerful cell signalling molecule to maintain our cellular communications system. The interference in this through excess metabolic and dietary acidity is the cause of many health and fitness problems in the body.
The health benefits of activated and reduced magnesium are new to the world.
This was because, until NOW, the delivery was only attainable through:
- Electron-enriched ionized water (inefficiently delivered from water current electrical ionization)
- Electrons release through hydroxyl Gas from a metallic cylinder under high pressure
The problem with these delivery systems is that electrons disappear very quickly and therefore are not very accessible to our cells to buffer or neutralize metabolic and/or dietary acids.
Basic chemistry has demonstrated that in the stomach, the generation of electrons carried by sodium bicarbonate is more complete and faster than any other means.
- FAST RED BLOOD CELL TRANSFORMATION: Immediate improved difference which is viewable using phase contrast microscopy in just five minutes.
- ALKALIZING Effects: Pure Energy(TM) is a potent alkalizer serving to effectively neutralize all types of metabolic and dietary acids in our body including lactic acid.
- NEGATIVE-CHARGED ORP EFFECT: Pure Energy(TM) has a high Negative-Charged Oxidative Reduction Potential. My electron tests show an ORP of up to -1000mV! In this case the negative-charge is good, not bad and represents a concentration of free electron energy! As we age, we oxidize or ferment, like an old car that rusts. Things that oxidize have a positive ORP or positive-charge. Therefore if we want to slow down the aging (rusting or fermenting) process, then it’s a good to ingest foods, liquids or supplements that carry a negative-charged ORP. This was only available before with an expensive water ionizers – but is now available in supplement form to all through my latest invention called Pure Energy(TM)
- BIO-AVAILABLE: Pure Energy(TM) is activated and reduced magnesium potentiated with lithium and is 100% bio-available, so it will act on ALL of the body’s fluids, tissues, glands and organs.
- ANTI-INFLAMMATORY: Pure Energy(TM) acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory in the body because it neutralizes the metabolic, respiratory, dietary and environmental acids that cause inflammation.
- ENHANCED CELLULAR HYDRATION: Pure Energy(TM) has been shown to increase cellular hydration by enhancing the ability to move alkalizing extracellular water into the cell.
- ENERGY PRODUCTION: Pure Energy(TM) when added to distilled or purified water will activate and reduce and potentiated with lithium as it releases electron-energy which becomes available to the mitochondria in our cells. Activated and reduced magnesium potentiated with lithium also increases electron stores in the liver and may improve functioning of all organs in the body by increasing stores of available electron energy.
- ANTI-AGING: Aging is created by the body being broken down by metabolic and dietary acids. By having a continual supply of electrons released from activated and reduced magnesium potentiated with lithium, the body can use the increased electrons to neutralize the acids that cause aging and slow down the aging process.
- SPORTS RECOVERY & LEGAL PERFORMANCE ENHANCER: By increasing alkalizing cellular hydration, reducing the acids that cause inflammation and most importantly reducing the lactic acid by up to 18% that causes inflammation that leads to pain, Pure Energy(TM) is a powerful sports performance and recovery enhancer.
- POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT: Due to its extremely small size (0.24 Trillionth of a Meter), it can spread throughout the body in seconds and penetrate all tissue, cells, and cell components providing rapid protection from metabolic and dietary acids.
- SELECTIVE ANTIOXIDANT: Activated and reduced magnesium has special SELECTIVE properties that allow the abundant release of electrons to deal with the “bad” acid but leave the “good” alkalizing buffers, such as sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide to do their tissue protective jobs.
- HOLISTIC ANTIOXIDANT: Due to its molecular size, Pure Energy(TM) can provide protection to the inside and outside of body cells; external surface of the cell membrane (lipid-bi-layer), the extra-cellular matrix, plasma, interstitial fluids and all external surfaces of cells, organs, and all tissue.
- PURE ENERGY(TM) ENABLES THE PRODUCTION OF YOUR BODY’S OWN ANTIOXIDANTS: Acts as a natural Nrf2 transcription factor activator that allows the body to make its own antioxidant compounds (e.g., superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase).
- CELL SIGNALLING: Cell signalling is a way the body can send a message to different parts of the body to supply it with required red blood cells. The released hydroxyl ions or OH- that releases an extra electron has recently been found to act as a cell signalling molecule. The release of this electron from reduced and activated magnesium acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
- NATURAL & SAFE: Pure Energy(TM) contains natural mineral ingredients and tested to be 100% safe, even at high doses. There are no known negative direct or side-effects.
1) Take a 12-22 ounce stainless steel bottle and fill the bottle to the top with distilled or purified water. Make sure there is no air at the top of the bottle where electrons might escape.
2) Drop one Pure Energy(TM) magnesium tablet in the water and immediately seal the bottle in order to trap all the electrons inside.
3) Let the distilled or purified water sit for 5 minutes while the magnesium activates and reduces.
4) When you are ready to drink the Pure Energy(TM) activated and reduced magnesium water you can take off the lid or you can flip up the straw to drink. Drink the whole amount once opened.
Drink one 12-22 ounces Pure Energy(TM) activated reduced magnesium water in the morning and one 12-22 ounces Pure Energy(TM) activated reduced magnesium water in the afternoon.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your licensed physician or medical practitioner before using any products, especially if you are taking any drugs or if you are pregnant or nursing. Protect from heat and light. Store out of reach of children. |