
"Some of my favorites are I juice Super Chlorophyll, 4 salts, PHlavor spray salts and the Activated Charcoal! These products along with applying New Biology have helped me lose 110 lbs and maintain vibrant health these past 9 years. The PHMIRACLE Book is my bible in Biology! DETOX, REBUILD & RENEW! You are a great blessing to the world! Thank you again! I continue to share your knowledge, in helping one at the time. – Donna G. T.”
"Thank you for all the great health ed you do. Regards" -- Annette R.
"All members of my family drink PH Miracle Greens with Puriphy daily for the last 3 years and we never want to be without it. We take it with us on vocation and other travel trips. We always feel energize and our urine pH is between 7 and 8 in the morning. Thank you so much for your wonderful products." -- Robert
"Reverse Cancer Now book tells the cause of cancer, so definitely got a way to solve the problem. This a the future of our mankind. -- Cathy N. Z."
"I’m thrilled to report that my very first order placed with you arrived safely! Have started taking my DOC BROC GREENS and am a happy camper! Please know that I have every intention of placing more orders—for more products—with you in the not too distant future. I’m totally jazzed about how easy you made this entire ordering process. Thank you for this wonderful service! BLESSINGS, -- Donna Marie"

"I have two of THE pH MIRACLE Books, 2002 editions (not signed by Dr, Young but it's ok, one is new/mint condition, one is used) and I am still using the Supergreens powder. You guys rock!!! Thank you, -- John H."
"Hello, about 7 years ago I went on the ph diet using supergreens and alkaline drops. I lost 30 lbs and felt the best I have in years. I'd like to do it again. Thank you, -- Monica"
"I love your super inner light greens! -- Mary."
"I found that Phour Salts will immediately alkalize my body, balance PH, and help hydration after having a bit to much to drink. This stuff is like a high quality electrolyte as well. When I drink a bit too much alcohol and wake in the night thirsty and only drink water, I just pee it out again. Drinking Phour Salts immediately quenches my thirst, and slows my heart rate (due to hydration), relieves my headache. All my friends have been buying it as well. Truly an amazing discovery!!! -- Ez"
"Thank you, all of you, for all you do to help us stay safe and healthy! Thank you." -- Marjorie C.
"Love The PH Miracle book--went out and bought ph strips-checking out the ph on everything. I'm afraid to loan out the book I may not get it back. Told my son about it and he and his wife ordered their own copy--called this morning to say they love it too---I'm reading labels more than ever due to this book--I recommend it to every household. -- Bonnie C."
"I have been drinking super greens for about 1 month and half and everyone keeps asking me how I’m losing weight and what is that green stuff I’m drinking -- Maylin"
"Reverse Cancer Now is great book to tell people how to prevent or reverse cancer - like I've reversed my acodis-caused MS. -- Dwan"

Thank you Thank you Thank you, -- Lee Greene"

For more than 50 years I have been living SAD= The Standard American Diet that include the heavy consumption of meat, animal product, processed food and pharmaceuticals. I was very unaware that this lifestyle was killing me and keeping me trapped in the deceptive world. This lifestyle has taking a heavy toll on my life. I developed insulin resistant and many other conditions, but the doctors tried convincing me that these conditions were genetics and that I couldn't change it just manage them with toxic meds. These medical doctors had said to me that I would taking these toxic medications for the rest of my life but I refused to live like this. ... During my search I had came across many holistic, naturopathic and alternative medicine. But you are the one that really caught my attention with your PH Miracle lifestyle and products. You have opened my eyes by shining the spotlight on my acidic diet and lifestyle. I have purchased some of your PH Miracle products but I really need help in selecting the right products to helping reversing my current medical acidic conditions that includes insulin resistant (Type II Diabetes), High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, etc. I am respectfully requesting to get the right information in how to join and be come part of your program in order to help me and my family, love ones and friends. -- Jose R. S. Sr.
"Thank you for being a great source for information and products that we can trust." -- Linda H.
"In my opinion "Reverse Cancer Now" book can make a real difference in preventing this terrible plague. It would be great if this information became part of today's lifestyle and diet. I am from the Mediterranean diet and I realize that there are still changes we need to make to improve our overall health and well being." -- Carmelo
"pHour Salts products has been helping to regulate my headaches.) Thank you very much for your exceptional customer service! I have told a handful of people about your company and will continue to do so. Thank you for standing by your products. Have a lovely weekend! Much appreciation." -- Laura Roper
"Thank you so very much! Your products are the best in the world and seriously heal people!" -- Rosalie H. (Australia)
"I would like to say that everything that you do is fully recognized, felt and just can’t express how deeply we love you. I am forever in your debt. Team service is first class." -- Lehman and Linda
"Shipment received; splendid service, splendid life saving products. Ordered pH Miracle MasterPeace, Biolive Sprouts, Innerlight Supergreens, iJuice Goji and Acai Berry. Thank you!!" -- Margaret L.
"The PH miracle book may have saved my life. Simple truth it works and so many people could help them selves. My PRN says I am doing so well she may discontinue my medication. Just three months ago they said it was a good thing I got in because I was lucky to be alive. -- Micky F."
"I have had a cold for 2 days and last night I was awake from 1-4 AM feeling miserable, 2nd night in a row. I got a 16 oz bottle of water and put one scoop of Supergreens in it, and once I drank it within about 10-15 mins I felt noticeably better. Woke up feeling better than I have all week. Drank some more today, and it's pushing my cold out. That stuff is amazing. Now going to continue drinking every day and increase the amount slowly. So excited at the thought of increasing my energy! Its so simple it's ridiculous, actually. No idea why I ever stopped, but excited to get back on track. Thank you is all I can say! -- Anonymous"
"I tried Phour Salts through the advice of a friend and couldn't be happier with the results. It is extremely useful to avoid muscle soreness & cramping after rigorous exercise. This is a multi-purpose product; it is also great as a skin toner- if you're into that! Will buy again. -- Joseph"
"The PH Miracle book opened my eyes to the importance of what I eat. It was recommended to me by a good friend after I was recently after I was diagnosed as being a-symptomatic for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Although, I am not following this diet to the letter, I have taken to heart the lesson on acidic vs alkaline foods and the need for more vegetables and less or no meat. I will re-read this book as I continue along my path of 'becoming healthy. -- M.H."
"Thanking everyone and amazing shipping as we have reception from order placed Saturday, in hand Thursday…NY…super fast…never thought…-- Lehman G."
"Thank you so much for all your amazing health products and for mailing it to Canada. Much Appreciation" -- Dana and Paul

"I too was told I had MS in 1988. I did all the test they wanted me to take saying 'that would tell me for sure if I had MS. They were un-intrusive so I did them. after each one the would say I needed to do another one to really make sure. Then cam the one the Neurologist sat me down and said I need to do a spinal tap and that for sure would say if I had MS or not because the spinal fluids go around the brain etc. I said no. Then said I can't tell you that you have MS for sure or not. I said I'm fine with that. I respected that. I believe in the power that words play in our life. And I'm not MS. I have my ups and downs with getting all of it in my day however there isn't a day that I'm not eating it. I do see a difference and even more when I achieve My total amount of powdered greens I need for me each day. Love it!! May this program and products go on forever! -- Susan P.S."
"I miss the days when I regularly consumed your Doc Broc Greens and was much stricter about what I ate. I'll make it back there soon. -- Daniel K."
"I totally agree, the SuperFruit is so delicious that it only lasted me 4 -5 days, I gotta stay away from that one because it's way too good, It's better than candy!. -- Francisco M."
"Need to let you know I saw my MD yesterday and my labs were so wonderful I wondered if they were really mine….and I know the pH Salts are a great contribution to my health. Much gratitude to you. -- April Minkler "

In AM: In 10oz alkaline H20 - *iJuice Chlorophyll - *PH Miracle Phour salts - *PH Miracle L-Arginine In AM: (another 10oz alkaline H20)
*MasterPeace 5 drops sublingual. Mid-day (in 10oz alkaline H20) - *pHou salts - *pH pHlush - *lemon iJuice powder. In evening (in 10oz alkaline H20) - *pHour salts - *L-Arginine - *Masterpiece 5 drops sublingual -- Steve's pH started at 6.0 pH. I have been keeping him consistently at pH= 7.5=>8.5 with this regimen. He walks with a cane all the time and sometimes requires a wheelchair. He uses a Segway to get around our ranch (we have horses). He uses a Segway to go longer distances. During a particularly hot spell in NW Oregon (we live in Hillsboro, OR) I watched him walk WITHOUT A CANE - approximately 100 meters! He has not done this for 20yr! And it was hot outside (MS pts cannot tolerate heat and are basically paralyzed in hot temps). The pH Miracle L-Arginine has remarkably reversed his impotence too (wink wink)" -- Lisa L.

"I want to thank you for your work! I purchased your books in 2020 and have been taking your PH products. I appreciate your work very much! God Bless You!" Warmly, Rhonda Q.